I don't really put those ugly advertisements all over this blog for the sake of making money, but it is hard to upload more without a steady budget. I made a game (that can be checked out below), so if you would like to contribute to my soundtrack collecting and releasing while also having a little Mario-esque platforming fun for yourself and friends then please do check out the link below! Thanks >o

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Saturday, November 9, 2013

AWESOME Pokemon Black/White Song Remixes!

Here is a link to an awesome playlist with 8 cool remix pieces from Pokemon Black and White! Check it out!!
Youtube Playlist: Here
The Actual Album: Here

The Songs that were remixed are the following: N's Castle, Route 10, Accumula City, Surfing, Wild Battle, Rival Battle, Dragonspiral Tower, and Opelucid City (White Version)

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